Is Michael Fassbender dating Gerard Butlers ex, Madalina Ghenea?


Michael Fassbender has a new girlfriend! That shouldn’t shock you. Michael is a Love The One You’re With kind of guy. CB just used the term “low hanging fruit” to describe something and now I can’t get it out of my head. Michael likes low-hanging fruit. Update: I mean “low-hanging fruit” as in, he doesn’t like to try too hard to find a woman, he just goes for whatever is convenient. His type is women of color, a mixed race lady or simply a woman with somewhat “exotic” good looks… I am not saying that all women of color are low-hanging fruit, I’m saying that if Michael comes across a woman of color, Michael is going to try to bang her. And I think he’s usually successful too. Anyway, you can see some photos of Michael and his new “mystery lady” here at The Daily Mail. Go there and come back, please.

We got some tips about these new photos, which were taken in New Zealand. Fassy has been in NZ for more than a week, I think, working on a movie called Slow West. New Zealand is standing in for 19th century America. Anyway, the Fassloonies are concerned about Fassbender’s new lady. They think she might be Madalina Ghenea, otherwise known as “that Elisabetta Canalis looking chick who dated Gerard Butler for about a year.” Madalina was a world-class famewhore who really tried to make a name for herself when she was attached to The Butler. Would Fassbender go for that? Would he go for a lady who once dated Gerard “Porta-potty Banger” Butler? Well… maybe. I could see it. Although I’ve looked at the new photos, and I don’t think that woman IS Madalina.

Also – Fassy was photographed taking a leak in the New Zealand brush a few days ago. Go here to see the NSFW-ish photos, but just know this – if you look at the photos, you are sexually harassing the Fassdong.




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
