Pamela Andersons requests to Barack Obama: legalize marijuana

Pamela Anderson seems to have confused the job of “actress/boob displayer” with “presidential advisor.” While I can’t blame her – the two positions are nearly interchangeable – I think someone should have corrected her before she went on her website and wrote out a very long to-do list for President-Elect Obama.

At first I assumed it wasn’t really written by Pam – she starts out by assigning our next president some reading, specifically “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein and “Crimes Against Nature” by Robert Kennedy. So you can see why I was skeptical. However once I began reading the long recommendation, it became very clear that it really was Pam who wrote it – due mostly to the random capitalization and often forgetting to use “and” as well as “the” and other short but necessary words.

Pam would like marijuana to be legalized. She would also like the prison system reformed and all potential child molesters castrated, along with the promotion of vegetarianism. Finally, she shares some words on the economy. But we’ll focus on the pot for now, because frankly there are just too many deep thoughts in Pamela Anderson’s head.

I think we should Legalize Marijuana, tax and monitor -farm Hemp etc-this would make our borders less corrupt and then I think eventually this will be more secure option and save children in the long run – we should be able to farm Hemp in America- it’s just silly— it would create jobs- and be good for environment.

[From Pam Anderson’s website]

Honestly I agree with the majority of Pam’s opinions, she just phrases them so poorly. It’d be one thing if a bigger, at least semi-respected celebrity expressed the exact same opinions (albeit better worded). It might get some attention and Obama might in some way respond to it. But Pamela Anderson has been the punch line to sleazy jokes for the better part of two decades, and little more. I doubt anyone’s too worried with her views on Guantanamo Bay. Unless she wants to run on the beach in slow motion or something.

In related Obama news, Ariana Huffington notes that he’s working hard to encourage important values for Americans by focusing on volunteerism and helping others.

…The campaign [email] was letting me know that was directing visitors to volunteer for – or donate to – relief efforts to aid the victims of the Southern California fires. “Throughout the campaign,” said the email, “we saw time and again that when ordinary people act together, they can make a huge difference.”

Obama’s high-tech outreach has been instrumental in getting people across the country to donate millions of dollars and contribute millions of hours working on the campaign. Will it now become a hub for civic action?

Obama has always said that a call to service would be “a central cause” of his presidency. “We will ask Americans to serve,” he said in a signature speech in July. “We will create new opportunities for Americans to serve. And we will direct that service to our most pressing challenges.”

…Obama clearly understands this. “In America,” he has said, “each of us is free to seek our own dreams, but we must also serve a common purpose, a higher purpose… Because, when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem — they are the answer.”

[From the Huffington Post]

Pretty impressive. I think we have a lot of positive things to look forward to in the future, and good reason for optimism.

Here is a very cool mosaic of Barack Obama made by Ohio resident Brent Quebman. It’s made entirely from newspaper headlines reporting Obama’s win. Header of Pamela Anderson promoting her reality show ‘Pam Spirito Libero’ in Rome on September 15th. Images thanks to WENN.
