Kelly Osbourne does a tribute beehive for Amy Winehouses funeral


These are some photos from Amy Winehouse’s funeral today. Is it wrong to say that people really pulled it together and looked especially nice for the service? They really did. Mark Ronson wore a lovely suit and looked dapper and handsome, and Kelly Osbourne wore a really great black suit, and she did her hair up in an Winehouse-style beehive. Nevermind that Amy wasn’t doing the beehive so much in her later years, or that Amy’s beehive never looked this neat and maintained. It’s just a little thing, but it moved me that Kelly paid tribute to Amy with her hair. I think it’s super sweet.

I didn’t even know that Kelly and Amy were tight, but maybe their relationship was built on their shared drug histories. Courtney Love had some stories about Kelly’s drug past drug usage, so I could totally see Amy and Kelly being birds of a feather for a short time. Over the weekend, Kelly tweeted about Amy’s death, writing: “i cant even breath right my now im crying so hard i just lost 1 of my best friends. i love you forever Amy & will never forget the real you!” She also told a Twitter commenter to STFU when the commenter slammed her for not doing more to help Amy.

At the funeral service (which took place at a synagogue), Amy’s favorite song was played: Carole King’s “So Far Away”. That’s a beautiful song.





Photos courtesy of Fame.
