
parallelogram MathCelebrity logo Image to Crop
parallelogram - simple quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.A parallelogram has a perimeter of 48 millimeters. Two of the sides are each 20 millimeters long. Wh

A parallelogram has a perimeter of 48 millimeters. Two of the sides are each 20 millimeters long. What is the length of each of the other two sides? 2 sides * 20 mm each is 40 mm subtract this from the perimeter of 48: 48 - 40 = 8 Since the remaining two sides equal each other, their length is: 8/2 = [B]4mm[/B]

A parallelogram has a perimeter of 54 centimeters. Two of the sides are each 17 centimeters long. Wh

A parallelogram has a perimeter of 54 centimeters. Two of the sides are each 17 centimeters long. What is the length of each of the other two sides? A parallelogram is a rectangle bent on it's side. So we have the perimeter formula P below: P = 2l + 2w We're given w = 17 and P = 54. So we plug this into the formula for perimeter: 2l + 2(17) = 54 2l + 34 = 54 Using our [URL='']equation calculator[/URL], we get [B]l = 10[/B].

All squares are rectangles and all rectangles are parallelograms, therefore all squares are parallel

All squares are rectangles and all rectangles are parallelograms, therefore all squares are parallelograms. Is this true? [B]Yes.[/B] This is similar to A implies B and B implies C so A implies C also known as transitive property


Free Quadrilateral Calculator - Given 4 points entered, this determines the area using Brahmaguptas Formula and perimeter of the quadrilateral formed by the points as well as checking to see if the quadrilateral (quadrangle) is a parallelogram.

Rectangles and Parallelograms

Free Rectangles and Parallelograms Calculator - Solve for Area, Perimeter, length, and width of a rectangle or parallelogram and also calculates the diagonal length as well as the circumradius and inradius.
