Bella Thorne in Playboy: Theres this effort to try to shame a womans sexiness

Bella Thorne, 19, is the rare celebrity whom I like and find extremely thirsty. See also: Ariel Winter. Bella has a new interview and photospread in the now nudity-free Playboy. Playboy seems perfect for her and like the photos were taken from her Instagram, since Playboy is just mimicking Instagram at this point, right? In her profile, Bella talks about her social media detractors. (I refuse to use the more common word!) While this is a real problem, particularly on Twitter, it seems like the go-to topic for celebrities who post racy photos. I don’t know what the solution is, except maybe Snapchat since people can’t comment, but if there’s a celebrity who just uses Snapchat without Instagram, Twitter and maybe Facebook too, I haven’t heard of them. Here’s Bella Thorne told Playboy and again I like her but she still makes me roll my eyes. I’m smiling and shaking my head as I do it though.

“People often don’t want to get to know the real you; they only want to get to know the person they think you are. For me, that means people are constantly trying to change me, every second of the day, especially on social media. I’m not fed up with social media—I understand it—but people like to comment on how my image is too edgy, that I’m too edgy, and on how they wish I looked. It’s a lot of ‘do this, don’t do that.’ To them I say, f-k off. There’s this effort to try to shame a woman’s sexiness by pulling a cover over it, but I’m a woman who loves skin. I love skin on me, I love skin on girls, I love skin on guys. If you’re confident enough to show off your body, you should. Be confident. It can be difficult to get yourself to focus on you all the time, especially when you’re trying to transition into who you really are, but I’m not going to change for anybody else. I love staying true to me.”

[From Playboy No Filter]

Playboy also has a ton of photos accompanying this no context quote (they call it “No Filter,” which is apt for Bella). Bella is styled in 70s vintage looks in very 70s settings with patterned wallpaper and the effect is lovely. I really like this vintage 70s trend as it validates my thrift shopping addiction and the fact that I’m old.

ET has some additional background information on Bella and they include the detail that she snapchats while she’s on the toilet. She really does this.

Thorne opened up to ET about why she finds it important to express herself on social media. “I’m, like, an open book,” she said. “But that’s what I think that my fans enjoy about me the most, is that they feel like they really know me. And they do, they really f**king know me.”

As for whether she’s ever crossed the line with her posts, Thorne quipped, “I guess I haven’t learned the line of ‘too far’ yet, because I always do pooping snaps. People always get after me about my pooping snaps. You know what I tell them? …I don’t give a f**k!”

[From ET Online]

Yeah I’m not going to look that up. That is beyond. I get the sexy underwear pics and videos showing off her body, she’s got a great one, but snapchatting while she’s doing her business? Just no. Sometimes people on social media are shaming a woman by telling her to be a little more demure and sometimes they’re just telling it like it is. Really there’s no need to ever Snapchat, take pics or even video chat while you’re doing number one or two. It’s ok to be alone for a few moments. People are poop shaming Bella! She doesn’t care, poop shamers!

.@Bellathorne talks body confidence and social media for our No Filter series.

— Playboy (@Playboy) October 18, 2016
