Gwyneth Paltrows trainer promotes two extremely low calorie diets

I didn’t want to cover this story yesterday because frankly celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson bugs the crap out of me. This orange chipmunked-cheeked woman has defrauded countless people in her quest for fame. She scammed many people in Indiana who paid a fortune for her pilates classes, invented significant parts of her past, and has been sued no less than six times for bad debts. What’s more is that while Tracy’s workouts may be arguably inventive and effective, (I don’t agree with her at all about not using heavier weights, but whatever) the diets she touts are extremely low calorie and potentially dangerous. She’s not a nutritionist and the only qualification she has to give diet advice is that fact that celebrities use her to get in shape. Does she even have any background or certification in nutrition? I doubt it, especially considering some of the things she thinks we should eat to get thin. Last January, she even told Hello! Magazine that she had no clue about nutrition when she first worked with Madonna and Gwyneth. She said “I was like a doctor who smokes. So addicted to junk food – it’s appalling. Madonna called Gwyneth and said. ‘I am sitting here with Tracy and she is dipping Oreos into Pillsbury icing.'” Anderson claims she’s since cut out the processed food, but again does she have any qualification to give nutritional advice?

The last diet I saw from Tracy was a ridiculous 800 calorie a day diet she gave to US Weekly. Experts recommend at least 1200 calories a day in order to ensure that you’re not starving. Now Tracy is telling us all about her new diet recommendations – a baby food diet that she claims Jennifer Aniston uses, (which Aniston’s rep denies categorically) and another low calorie diet that Gwyneth Paltrow published in her latest issue of Goop. (You can see that diet here, I don’t want to repeat it.)

Anyway, Gwyneth tells us in Goop all about how she lost weight for Iron Man, as if we want to hear about that for the tenth time. She also writes, in her characteristically obnoxious fashion, about how yet another ill-advised low calorie diet and extreme exercise plan helped her obtain her great legs. “This regime got me into the shape of my life and I continue to return to it when I have a specific event so that I can do ridiculous things like be a 37 year old mother of two and wear shorts!” Yes, it’s so ridiculous to wear shorts when you’re post-35 and have children.

There’s also a video on Goop of Tracy doing a workout, and the woman tries so hard to be sexy it’s ridiculous. Comments have of course been disabled on YouTube, because you know how much fun people would be making of Goop and Anderson if they were on.

I’m frankly sorry for even giving more publicity to Paltrow and Anderson. It just goes to show that for every celebrity obsessed with their appearance there’s a scamming sycophant willing to give them the magic formula to achieve that sought-after gaunt look.

Here’s Tracy Anderson with the former head of Madonna’s Malawi charity, Philippe van den Bossche. Madonna dumped Tracy as her trainer shortly after the romance between Philippe and Tracy was made public. Phillippe resigned as head of Madonna’s charity around that time.

Photos are from 5/4/10. Credit:

