Lindsay Lohan got herself a cracked-out turban, just like Elizabeth Taylor

Another day, another post devoted to photos of Lindsay Lohan playing the most cracked-out version of Elizabeth Taylor ever. At least Lindsay’s crack-boobs are covered up in these photos, although you can tell that she’s hyper-aware of the paparazzi and she’s trying to give them some poses. Quick question: does this entire Lifetime movie take place on a boat? Because they only seem to be filming scenes on this damn boat. I guess this pier is supposed to be standing in for Italy, London, Greece, and everywhere else Liz & Dick’s romance took them. It’s kind of sad.

Let’s talk about the costumes for this production. Yesterday, we saw that ill-fitting, unfortunate swimsuit, and now we’re looking at some retro 1960s pieces, including what appears to be a silk scarf doubling as a turban. Now, I’m a huge fan of Elizabeth Taylor, and I’ve seen lots of photos of her from this time period. Her casual, everyday style was like this – mod shifts, Capri pants, easy little sandals, scarves-as-turbans. So, while some of the costumes might be technically correct, it’s also about how a woman wears it. Elizabeth looked glamorous and chic every day during this time period. She didn’t look like a bloated crackie who chain-smoked and tweaked every two seconds.

Something just occurred to me – the production is going to have to replicate some of Elizabeth’s most famous jewelry, aren’t they? I hope to God they don’t borrow any real pieces, because the crackhead will crack-heist them.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.
