Mischa Barton gets falling down drunk & boyfriend ditches her

We all have a few embarrassing drunk stories. They’re rites of passage. Things our friends can hold against us at graduations, weddings, and even funerals if your friends are the really vindictive sort. Luckily for the vast majority of us the National Enquirer isn’t around when we get so drunk we can’t function. But if you’re a formerly B-list actress like Mischa Barton, they’re probably trailing right behind you. Thank goodness.

Despite a drunken driving bust and court-ordered rehab classes, Mischa Barton was spotted drinking herself into a stupor at a trendy Hollywood bar. The 22-year-old former “O.C.” star passed out after downing at least six glasses of wine at the Green Door on Aug. 12, eyewitnesses tell the Enquirer. And her boyfriend Taylor Locke, a guitarist for the rock group Rooney, got so mad that he ditched her, insiders say.

“Mischa and Taylor were at a table on the patio with several friends,” an eyewitness told The Enquirer. “She was chain-smoking and enjoying a glass of white wine, which, over the course of two hours, was followed by at least five more. Her speech became more slurred with each drink, and her head began falling onto Taylor’s chest.

“At one point, she tried to move from her chair to a nearby couch, but stumbled headfirst into the couch. Taylor was mortified! He snapped at her, ‘Mischa, come on! You’re making a fool of yourself. People can see how drunk you are.’ He demanded that she stop drinking, but she only mumbled incoherently.” Disgusted, 24-year-old Taylor stormed off to the inside bar where he hid from her, eyewitnesses revealed.

[From The National Enquirer, Sept. 1st 2008, print ed.]

According to the Enquirer after a while when Mischa realized Taylor had ditched her, she tried to find him but ended up stumbling and falling into two girls ahead of her. Needless to say, she didn’t get far. The mag goes over Mischa’s long history with drug and alcohol problems. She’s had a DUI she calls stupid, but she didn’t go to rehab or anything. While we’ve all probably embarrassed ourselves a few times by drinking too much, it’s clear Mischa’s got some major addiction issues to work on.

Here’s Mischa Barton grabbing some coffee with a friend in New York City on June 13th. Images thanks to Fame.
