Dear Orlando Bloom, what are you doing with James Packers ex-wife?


These are some photos of Orlando Bloom, still in Ibiza yesterday, hanging out with a woman named Erica Packer. Does that name sound vaguely familiar? It should. Erica Packer is the ex-wife of James Packer, the Aussie billionaire Miranda Kerr has allegedly been boning for months. WTF, Orlando? First he tries to hook up with Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber’s ex, then he goes for James Packer’s ex? What is Orlando’s deal? This whole thing is just bizarre. Update: This may not be Erica Packer in the photos, but Orlando was definitely hanging out with Erica Packer in Ibiza.

So, I don’t even know what to say at this point about the Orly-Biebs situation. It’s just… bad. I feel sorry for Orlando Bloom, I guess. He thought some punked-out toddler was talking trash, so Orly wanted to take him down a peg. So, Orly took a swing and now everybody believes that Orly and Justin Bieber were fighting over Miranda Kerr. We also all believe that Miranda banged Bieber when she was still married to Orly. So… it sucks to be Orly. Anyway, The Daily Mirror had an exclusive eyewitness report about what went down inside the Ibiza club:

The bust-up between Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom in an Ibiza restaurant involved more than one punch, according to a fellow diner who witnessed the whole thing. Eyewitness Anastasia Skolkova, a former journalist from Spain, was the first person to break the story by posting a video on Facebook and Twitter, showing Bieber and Bloom rowing outside of a restaurant in Ibiza.

Speaking exclusively to The Mirror she said: “I went there with friends for dinner. We were on the table next to Orlando Bloom and Leonardo DiCaprio. There was also Lindsay Lohan, Puff Daddy and Erick Morillo at the restaurant. Justin said something when he came in which was aimed at Orlando, who then jumped onto a sofa to try and get at Justin. It was amazing. Everyone stood up and started watching like it was a show and clapping. There were actually two moments when it turned violent, it wasn’t just the one punch thrown. DiCaprio was flipping out and Lindsay Lohan was trying to calm them. Justin’s face was amazing. I posted the video on Facebook so people would know about it and it’s a very crazy video.

[From The Daily Mirror]

If you go to the Mirror link, you can see A video but I’m not sure if it’s THE video she’s talking about, because the video shows absolutely none of what she describes. You can see Orly walk over to Bieber, who looks like he’s being held back by his bodyguards (SO HARD YO) and Orly gets in Bieber’s face and then it looks like Bieber’s bodyguard puts his hand on Orly’s arm and that’s basically the end of it? Maybe I’m missing all the action. But the idea of Leo freaking out? Gold. And why in the world is Leo in the club with the Cracken and Baby Bieber?

As for Miranda Kerr, a source tells E!: “[Miranda] is in Spain and Europe now and is vacationing with the family and relaxing. Miranda wants all of this behind her and she just wants to move on from this and go about her life. She is very embarrassed about everything that has gone on.” Honey, you were the one who banged Justin Bieber. Obviously, you love the stupid-drama.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
