Octomom used to work as a stripper; will get nurses from Medi-cal

Nadya Suleman

Octomom really knows how to bring it. Who would ever have thought that some random, puffy, Angelina-wannabe could so epically dominate the news? And she always manages to come up with new drama. It’s insane. Yesterday it came out that back in the day, Nadya Suleman was a stripper. She did the typical Octomom thing where she made a bunch of excuses and tried to minimize it. But you know how that goes with her – eventually the truth comes out, it’s exactly what everyone suspected, yet she tries to lie with some, “oh well that’s what I really meant when I said that,” type of deal.

In the continuing adventures of Octomom, the National Enquirer reports that Mother of the Year Nadya Suleman did some pole dancing before she had 14 kids.

Back when she was 18, Suleman was in an “investigative” stage of her life and thought she’d try out exotic dancing.

“I had not even kissed a boy. But I entered a dance/lingerie contest in a club near my home. I danced and paraded in lingerie,” she told a close pal.

“Then, when I was 19, I went to a gentleman’s club and performed as a topless dancer. But I only did it one night. I quit when I found out I was expected to perform lap dances on the customers.”

That’s totally believable.

[From the Boston Herald]

Now in about a week we’ll find out that “one night” was really “one year,” and Nadya will come up for some insane rationale that explains how she wasn’t really lying. Like maybe, since she was working during the night she was never actually outside during the night except for one time, and that’s what she meant by one night. Or something. Who the hell knows with her insane logic.

In other Octo-news, Gloria Allred’s daughter, CNN legal correspondent Lisa Bloom, got her mom’s side of the fired nanny debacle. There’s a long explanation about why Gloria got involved, what really went on with the CPS reports, etc. Nothing groundbreaking. Until we get to the interesting little nugget about the nurses Nadya’s going to use from now on. The ones from the hospital that delivered and are currently caring for the babies. And the bill? Well it’ll be passed on to taxpayers. That’s right folks, Nadya was uncomfortable with the free nannies and nurses who generously donated their time, but she thinks she’ll be happier with this group. Who I guess will still be free to her.

Who will care for all these kids now? I asked. How can Suleman possibly change all the diapers, bathe them, talk to them, feed them, and care for her other young kids, including three disabled children?

Mom says: “Nadya has decided to have Kaiser Permanente care for her babies. In other words, she has apparently made a conscious decision to put the burden of her babies care on the taxpayers, since her lawyer has conceded publicly that Kaiser nurses will most likely have to bill Medi-Cal. Further Kaiser nurses and doctors will be silenced and not be permitted to speak publicly about the specifics of the care that Nadya gives or fails to give to her babies.”

Will this cause a public furor comparable to the pitchfork madness of taxpayer-funded AIG bonuses? But wait, Nadya gets free nursing care either way. What’s in this for her?

Mom explains: “This is advantageous to Nadya and her lawyer since the public will only be told their side and will not be able to get all of the facts as they could if Nadya had kept her agreement with AIW and Dr. Phil to allow supportive care by AIW, and complete transparency by permitting Linda to speak.”

My mom, Gloria Allred, wonders, “What are they trying to hide and why?”

[From Betty Confidential]

So, not only are the taxpayers paying for the care of Nadya’s octuplets – when there was the option not to burden the public – but Nadya’s benefiting from it right and left. She doesn’t have to pay a cent. And the Kaiser Permanente nurses can’t say a word to the public. So Nadya can keep on going the way she is, blowing money left and right, sleeping through the night (no one with one newborn gets to do that – let alone eight), getting manicures, and taking care of the babies only when she’s shooting a scene for the camera.

Considering that Nadya wasn’t paying for Angels in Waiting and isn’t paying for the Kaiser Permanente nurses, the big difference here is that the later group has to keep quiet. I’m guessing that having a lot of strangers in the home – especially professional baby caregivers – is going to make Nadya feel uncomfortable and judged no matter what. I doubt the Kaiser nurses are going to be any more forgiving of all her flaws. So really, the big advantage is that Nadya basically gets protection from them, because they’re bound to medical confidentiality. So we all foot the bill, and Octomom can keep on installing new Jacuzzi bathtubs.

Here’s Nadya visiting the Calvary Baptist Church Christian School in La Habra, California. Images thanks to INF News and Features; photographer Eric Brogmus.

Nadya Suleman
