See Brooke Muellers Nude Internet Photos and Shell Sue You!

See Brooke Mueller’s Nude Internet Photos and She’ll Sue You!

My telling you that Charlie Sheen’s most recent ex-wife, Brooke Mueller had naked photos being shopped around is almost as predictable as me saying the Justin Bieber was going to eventually drop from “exhaustion”. Brooke was married to Charlie long enough to produce a couple kids and collect a decent chunk of his assets and then left what was said to be a completely toxic marriage. Fast forward a few years and Charlie at least manages to work and keep up appearances (kind of) while Brooke has made headlines for erratic behavior and failed rehab stints.

Apparently Brooke must be a real joy to deal with because a former assistant and an ex-boyfriend have teamed up to shop some fairly recent nude pics of her. The shots are said to be extremely raunchy and don’t exactly portray Brooke as mother of the year. Not sure which guy is trying to make some cash off of her, but Brooke was most recently linked to country singer Jared Lowenstein.

It’s time for a bit of a reality check here, I’m betting Brooke has taken lots of pics for many men in various situations and there’s a good reason why we’ve never heard a peep about it- no one cares! They can shop the photos but that doesn’t mean that they’ll find a buyer. At best Brooke was once considered a D-List celeb. Not a class act but attached to a big name actor. Now she’s just an addict that can’t get clean that has questionable mothering skills.

Will anyone buy Brooke’s personal photos? If they find a buyer will anyone pay to see them? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
